E-Publication First
E-Publication First is a feature that gives room for PDF versions of manuscripts to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. These manuscripts must have first been thoroughly peer reviewed and accepted. There is free access to articles and citation can be made by readers. Within one week after following through on the needful publishing protocols, the accepted papers are published online.
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All articles published under AIR Journals is completely free for readers.
Review Policy
AIRJournals operates with the policy of Double-blind peer review. The work is given to more than one reviewer (usually two experts in the concerned field); to review the paper in light of AIR Journals’ guidelines and characteristics of a standard research paper. The same experts are utilized to make sure that the revised paper is up to acceptable standard; for the papers that require alteration.
Authors of the articles in AIR Journals retain copyrights to them, and rights for initial publication is bequeathed to AIR Journals. AIRJournals is not liable for subsequent uses and publication of the same article. The author chooses whether or not to bring legal action in case of any infringement.
Plagiarism Policy
The editorial team frowns seriously at all appearances of plagiarism. AIRJournals is firm in the belief that taking the concepts and labours of others and taking credit for it, is highly offensive and criminal. Copying; whether it is exactly another person’s work, or your own previously published work, without stating proper references and giving credit to the originator; is considered plagiarism. The editorial team has the right and will not hesitate to terminate the process of reviewing a work that has been submitted if it is subject to minor or major plagiarism. And if the person whose work has been plagiarized complains, AIR Journals may even cancel the publication of such works.

How to write a great research paper
This talk offers seven simple, concrete suggestions for how to improve your research papers.

How to write title for your Research Paper
This 3-minute video will provide a quickie summary of five steps to follow in writing a good research title