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Influence of Sesquioxide’s and Organic Matter on Phosphorus Release and Cation Exchangeability of Southeastern Nigeria Soils

Influence of Sesquioxide’s and Organic Matter on Phosphorus Release and Cation Exchangeability of Southeastern Nigeria Soils


The study investigated the influence of sesquioxide’s (Al2O3 and Fe2O3) and organic matter on phosphorus release and cation exchangeability of southeastern Nigeria soils. Soil samples (undisturbed and disturbed) were collected from five study locations in southeastern Nigeria. Undisturbed soil samples were collected using cylindrical (5×5 cm) cores, followed by disturbed soil samples using soil auger. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0-20 cm and were analyzed following standard laboratory methods. Data analysis involved correlation and regression analyses using the IBM SPSS statistics computer package. Correlation and regression analyses across the locations show that aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and Iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) do not have significant effects on both phosphorus release and cation exchangeability of the studied soils. Though; phosphorus release increased significantly with an increase in the effective cation exchange capacity of the soils. A non-significant relationship existed between soil organic matter and phosphorus release. Soil organic matter had a highly significant positive effect on the cation exchangeability of the soils.

Keywords: Cation Exchangeability; Organic Matter; Phosphorus Release; Sesquioxide’s Soil; Southern Nigeria

Authored by

Udegbunam, O. N.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8227388  |    FULL PDF
