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Development and Performance Evaluation of a Plastic Pellets Drying Machine

Development and Performance Evaluation of a Plastic Pellets Drying Machine


The plastic pellets drying machine comprises of the induction gear motor, the drying unit and discharge unit. It was developed using locally sourced material to reduce drudgery in the drying of recycled material, infiltration of dirt and other surface defects, as well as splay marks and enhance production of adequate quantity and quality of processed plastic product. Performance test analysis that was carried out showed average drying rate (throughput) and drying efficiency for the Plastic Pellets Drying Machine are 1.04kg/hr and 75.9% respectively. Thus, the developed Plastic Pellets Drying Machine is a veritable option for both medium and large scale production.

Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Plastic Pellet, Drying Machine

1Ani, Okwuchukwu Innocent, 2Onoh, Greg N and 3Ukpai, Chima Allen

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