Enhanced Precision of an Electro-pneumatic Actuator Based Robotic Bottle Capper for an Increased Output Using Fuzzy Controller

Enhanced Precision of an Electro-pneumatic Actuator Based Robotic Bottle Capper for an Increased Output Using Fuzzy Controller


The low production capacity of capped bottles of beer in a brewery industry is as a result of low precision experienced in electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper. This is surmounted by introducing enhanced precision of an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper for an increased output using fuzzy controller. It  is done in this way, characterizing an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper, establishing low precision of an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper at a reduced output from the characterized data, developing an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper rule base to enhance precision at an increased output from the established data and designing a SIMULINK model for an enhanced precision of an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper for an increased output using fuzzy controller. The results obtained are, the highest conventional precision in electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper is 94.4% while that when fuzzy controller is incorporated in the system is 97.32%. With these results obtained, it shows that the percentage improvement in electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper precision when fuzzy controller is imbibed in the system is 2.92%, the highest conventional quantity of crates of bottles an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper could cap is 27000crates. On the other hand, the highest quantity of crates of bottles an electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper could cap is 27840crates when fuzzy controller is incorporated in the system. The percentage improvement in production capacity when fuzzy is inculcated in the system over the conventional method is 3.1% and the highest conventional number of bottles capped by electro pneumatic actuator based robotic bottle capper is 324000 bottles while that when fuzzy controller is injected in the system is 333900 bottles. With these results obtained, It shows that the percentage improvement in the production of capped bottles when fuzzy is incorporated in the system is better than the conventional method by 3.1%.

Keywords: Electro Pneumatic Actuator; Robotic Bottle Capper; Fuzzy Controller

1Offordile, Eneh I.; 2Ekeh, Umunna; 3Chukwuma, Felix

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