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Impact and Significance of Occupational Health and Safety Policies on Workers Performance in Workplace: A Case Study Of NNPC, Enugu Depot

Impact and Significance of Occupational Health and Safety Policies on Workers Performance in Workplace: A Case Study Of NNPC, Enugu Depot


This study examines the impact and significance of occupational health and safety policies on workers’ performance in the workplace, using the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Enugu Depot as a case study. The objective of this research is to explore how the implementation of health and safety policies influences the overall performance and well-being of employees in the organization. The effects of the specific objectives such as occupational health programmes, industrial safety and health and lastly the safety challenges were examined on job performance of workers in NNPC, Enugu Depot. The study employs a survey research design using qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with workers and management personnel. The data collected is analyzed to identify the key factors that contribute to the effectiveness of occupational health and safety policies and their impact on workers’ performance. The findings reveal that the implementation of robust health and safety policies has a positive impact on workers’ performance. It not only improves the physical well-being of employees but also enhances their motivation, job satisfaction, and overall productivity. Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of employee involvement in the planning process, fostering a quality culture, and encouraging active participation in hazard identification, which leads to opportunities for creativity and innovation. The research also emphasizes the importance of regular safety audits and continuous education and training programs to ensure the sustained effectiveness of occupational health and safety policies. The study provides insights into the specific challenges faced by the NNPC Enugu Depot and offers recommendations for enhancing the implementation of health and safety practices in the organization. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the impact and significance of occupational health and safety policies on workers’ performance. It offers practical insights for organizations in the downstream sector, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing employee well-being and safety as a means to enhance overall performance and productivity in the workplace.

Keywords: Significance of Occupational Health; Safety Policies; Workers Performance; Enugu Depot

FULL PDF  |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8001159
