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Effect of Organisational Learning Goals on the Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State

Effect of Organisational Learning Goals on the Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State

Ede, T. E.a, Nwobia, C. E.b, & Ogbuke, J. C.c
aDepartment of Psychology and Sociological Studies, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
bGeneral and Entrepreneurial Studies, David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences, Uburu, Ebonyi State
cDepartment of Marketing, Enugu University of Management and Technology, Enugu State


This study investigates the influence of organisational learning goals on employee performance within Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Enugu State. The specific objectives were to: ascertain the effect of team learning on the output of deposit money banks in Enugu state and secondly assess the effect of shared vision on the employee effectiveness of deposit money banks in Enugu state. Utilizing a sample size of 276 employees, the study employs quantitative analysis, specifically focusing on two key factors: team learning and shared vision. The findings reveal that both team learning and shared vision significantly contribute to the enhancement of DMBs’ performance. Team learning exhibits a positive effect on the output of DMBs, as evidenced by a Z-score of 7.645 (p < .05), while shared vision positively impacts employee effectiveness, with a Z-score of 8.307 (p < .05). These results underscore the importance of fostering a culture of collaborative learning and shared goals within DMBs to enhance employee performance, ultimately contributing to the overall success of these institutions.

Keywords Organisational Learning Goal; Operational Safety; Employee Performance; Reporting Relationships; Task Allocation; Team Learning; Shared Vision

Citation Ede, T. E., Nwobia, C. E., & Ogbuke, J. C. (2024). Effect of Organisational Learning Goals on the Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State. African Journal of Current Research, 5(1), 34-49 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10909557  