Application of the Contract Law Principles of “Consideration” in the Payment of Bride Price “Ime Ego Isi Nwanyi” Under the Customs and Traditions of Udunedem Ancient Kingdom, Udenu Local Government Area, Enugu State

Application of the Contract Law Principles of “Consideration” in the Payment of Bride Price “Ime Ego Isi Nwanyi” Under the Customs and Traditions of Udunedem Ancient Kingdom, Udenu Local Government Area, Enugu State

Nwodo, Amechi Joseph, PhD1, & Onah, Hyginus Chinweuba PhD2
123Department of Legal Studies, Institute of Management and Technology, IMT, Enugu

Citations – APA

Nwodo, A. J. & Onah, H. C. (2023). Application of the Contract Law Principles of “Consideration” in the Payment of Bride Price “Ime Ego Isi Nwanyi” Under the Customs and Traditions of Udunedem Ancient Kingdom, Udenu Local Government Area, Enugu State. Contemporary Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 4(3), 1-12. DOI:
This work focuses on the payment of bride price, known as “Ime Ego Isi Nwanyi,” under the customary marriage customs of Udunedem Ancient Kingdom in Enugu State, Nigeria. The Udunedem Ancient Kingdom comprises five Autonomous Communities, forming a significant portion of the Udenu Local Government Area. The customs and traditions surrounding bride price in this community align with broader Igbo cultural practices. The rules governing bride price payment in Udunedem Ancient Kingdom adhere to the principle of Sufficiency of Consideration, a concept in Contract Law. The customary law does not question the adequacy of the payment or prestation; rather, it emphasizes that something of value must be exchanged. This is in line with legal definitions of consideration, which encompass rights, interests, benefits, forbearance, or responsibilities undertaken by the parties. Marriage, whether within or across cultures, is viewed as an extension of a mutual and harmonious relationship. Bride price payment is seen as a fundamental requirement for a valid marriage in Igbo land, and it is considered a contractual agreement. The payment, which may extend beyond cash, includes various forms of valuable contributions. Once the bride’s family accepts anything of value from the groom, it is deemed sufficient, regardless of its size or adequacy. This qualitative research relies on secondary sources, such as existing documents, to support the conclusion that the Contract Law Principle of consideration applies to and regulates the payment of bride price in Udunedem Ancient Kingdom. Despite the influence of Christian and Western civilization, this cultural obligation governing conjugal relationships remains significant and resilient.ABSTRACT

Keywords: Contract Law Principles of “Consideration”; Payment of Bride Price; Ime Ego Isi Nwanyi; Udunedem Ancient Kingdom
