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Effective Management of Stock Price on Earning Surprises: Evident from Nigeria

Effective Management of Stock Price on Earning Surprises: Evident from Nigeria


This study examined the effective Management of Stock Price on Earning Surprises.: Evident from Nigeria. the specifics objectives are to, evaluate how stock price and stock management affects earnings surprises. The study explored an ex-post facto research design. Secondary data was used. The data was gleaned from annual reports and financial statements of selected manufacturing companies listed on Nigerian stock exchanges. The non-experimental study looked at the cause-and-effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Panel least square regression were used to analyzed the data. The finding reveals that stock price (SP) has an effect on earnings surprise. The p-value shows to be (P=0.0043) which indicates a significantly effect at 5% level of significance. And stock management (SM) has an effect on earnings surprise. The p-value shows to be (P<0.001) which indicates a significant effect at 5% level of significance. We concluded that Stock Price (SP) and stock management (SM) has an effect on earnings surprise. we recommend that directors should extremely handle Stock price and stock management in such a manner that it will contribute negative effects on earnings surprises, having in mind that organizational earnings represent the image of a firm on the eyes of every investors and other financial statement users for investment analysis and decision-making.

Keywords: Effective Management; Stock Price; Earning Surprises; Nigeria

1Echefu, Silas, C., 2Prof. Ifurueze, M. S., and 3Emeka-Nwokeji, N. A., PhD

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