Triggered Tracking Adaptive Based Intelligent Algorithm

Triggered Tracking Adaptive Based Intelligent Algorithm


The improperly filling of brewery industry beer bottle has become a chronic social malady that has liquidated some of the brewery industry that does not have adequate filling mechanism in their production process. This has equally made them to lose some of their big-time customers that would have elevated them to the next level if their products are standard in terms of filling. The under-filled beer bottles observed in the brewery industry is surmounted by an introduction of improving production output in brewery industrial processes using event-triggered tracking adaptive based intelligent algorithm. This is done in this manner, characterizing bottle filling process in brewery industry production, designing a SIMULINK model for the conventional characterize bottle filling process in brewery industry production, designing an adaptive rule base that will monitor the production filling process, training ANN in the designed rule to track improperly filled bottles and feed them back for proper refilling and designing a SIMULINK model for improving the design strategy for event-triggered tracking in brewed production process using adaptive based intelligent algorithm. Finally, designing a SIMULINK model for improving production output in brewery industrial processes using event-triggered tracking adaptive based intelligent algorithm. And validating and justifying the result obtained. The results obtained after implementation are conventional highest quantity of bottled beer filled is 35770 bottles of beer while that when event-triggered is introduced in the system is 39010 bottles of beer all occurred from 4 through 10 seconds, highest conventional under-filled bottles of beer is 3110 bottles while that when event-triggered is introduced in the system is 2199 bottles. With these results obtained, the percentage improvement of less quantity of under-filled bottles when event-triggered is imbibed in the system is 29%, conventional volume of the under-filled bottle of beer is 56cl while that when event-triggered is incorporated in the system is 60cl which is the ideal volume of bottled beer in brewery industry and highest conventional crates of underweight brewery bottled beer is259 crates while that when event-triggered is incorporated in the system is183. With these obtained results, it shows that including event-triggered in the system saved 76 crates of underweight brewery bottled beer that would have been wasted.

Keywords: SIMULINK Model; Brewery Industry; Event-triggered; Adaptive; Intelligent Algorithm


Ogbu. I1; Eneh I.I.2; and Okafor P. U3
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu State, Nigeria
2&3Department of Electrical Engineering, Enugu state university of science and Technology, Enugu State,  Nigeria

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