Effect of Migration on the Provision of Social Amenities in Urban Centres in Enugu State

Effect of Migration on the Provision of Social Amenities in Urban Centres in Enugu State

Ude, Adaora Margaret1 & Prof. W. O. Ezeodili2

12Department of Public Administration, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria

AbstractThe study evaluated the effect of migration on the provision of social amenities in urban centers in Enugu state. The specific objectives were to: examine the effect of transit to a new environment on the provision of healthcare; evaluation of the effect of acclimation to a new location on the provision of electricity supply and the effect of movement rural-urban on the provision of pipe borne water in urban centres in Enugu state. The study used the descriptive survey design approach. The primary source of data was the administration of questionnaire. The population of the study consisted of three hundred and fifty one (351) owners and staff. The whole population was used due to small number. Three hundred and forty six (346) persons returned the questionnaire and accurately filled. That gave 99 percent response rate. Data was presented and analyzed by mean score and standard deviation using Sprint Likert Scale. The hypotheses were analyzed using Z – test statistic tool. The findings indicated i. Transit to a new environment had significant positive effect on the provision of healthcare in urban Centres in Enugu State, Z( 95, n = 346), 8.279 < 10.293,P. < .05; Acclimation to a new location had significant positive effect on the provision of electricity supply Z( 95, n = 346), 9.919 < 10.833,P. < .05 and Movement from rural-urban had significance positive effect on the provision of pipe borne water in urban centres in Enugu state, Z( 95, n = 346), 9.650 < 11.102,P. < .05. The study concluded that transit to a new environment, Acclimation to a new location and Movement from rural-urban had significant positive effect on the provision of healthcare, electricity supply and pipe borne in Urban Centres in Enugu State. The recommended among others that there is need for rural development to reduce why people migrate in search of income differences in the urban centres.

Keywords: Effect of Migration; Social Amenities; Urban Centers; Provision of Healthcare; Provision of Electricity Supply

Citation: Udeh, A. M. & Ezeodili, W. O. (2023). Effect of Migration on the Provision of Social Amenities in Urban Centres in Enugu State. International Journal of Economics and Public Policy, 7(2), 38-57 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8358736  