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Impact of Manpower Development on the Efficiency of an Organization

Impact of Manpower Development on the Efficiency of an Organization

Manpower Training and Development is indispensable in the success of every organization, even though technology and the internet have enabled global co-operation and competition, workforces are still the organization’s competitive advantage. This study examined the impact of manpower development on the productivity of an organization. The study was based on four specific objectives and null hypothesis. The study employed Quantitative research strategy using the Survey research Data for this study was obtained using mono data collection method through the use of single technique of structured questionnaires. Frequencies, Percentages, and Tables were used to present obtained data. The Chi-square test of independence and association were used in testing the hypothesis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25. After subjecting each hypothesis under test, findings revealed among others, that training and development has an impact on employees’ performance in IMT Enugu and that ICT is relevant to staff training and development in the School. Hence, it was recommended that IMT should encourage good and quality training Programme for the employees for efficiency and effectiveness in their work place.
