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AIR Journal Manuscript Pre-submission Guideline

Manuscript Submission Guidelines: Academic Ink Review Journal (AIR Journal)

AIR Journal complies to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ Ethical Guides.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be submitted to the Central Editor at editor@airjournal.org and airjournals@gmail.com

Only research works that are within the scope of a hosted journal will be reviewed

Academic Ink Review charges no submission fees. We charge a minute fee to publish accepted papers. This is to ensure publication continuity. The said sum is used for web administration, editorial processing, and other costs of publishing.

What do we publish?

Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript to a hosted journal, please ensure you have read the aims and scope of the journal.

Article types

There could be three to five sections in the journal:

Research Articles

Articles with empirical evidence defining a study area relevant to the scope of a given Journal should be well structured in a way that will show a critical evaluation of existing theories and research, identifying research gaps and contributing to filling such gaps in the field. Manuscripts of this type should ordinarily not exceed 5000 words. Manuscripts above 5000 words will be surcharged.


Perspectives refer to be essays, articles, authoritative opinion on a subject of major discuss among researchers and scholars. Perspective articles usually cut across diverse disciplines and areas. Such articles will be published whenever the Editorial board receives suitable papers. The Editorial Board may also seek contributions from time to time from recognized scholars who are authorities in their fields.

Notes and Commentaries

Notes and Commentaries shall briefly report on empirical findings as well as making commentaries on previous research publications, reflections, retrospections, subjects pertinent to the understanding of the phenomena of a given Journal

Book Reviews

Book Review covers reviews made on current books on a particular Subject area or discipline

Writing your Paper

Make your Article Discoverable

In the course of writing, think through how well you can make your research work discoverable. The keywords, the title and the abstract are careful considerations to ensure readers easily locate your published articles on search engines like Bing and Google. To learn how best you can increase the visibility of your published article, check out: How to Make Your Research Articles or Publications more discoverable to Search Engines

Editorial Policies

Peer-Review Policy

Hosted Journals adheres to the policy of Double-blind peer review. The work is given to more than one reviewer (usually two experts in the concerned field); to review the paper in light of the journal’s guidelines and characteristics of a standard research paper. The same experts are utilized to make sure that the revised paper is up to an acceptable standard; for the papers that require alteration.


All substantial contributors to the completion of the manuscript should be listed accordingly as authors. Major authorship, authorship order, and further publication recognitions should be fully based on relative professional or scientific contributions of involved parties, irrespective of their status. A student should be typically listed as a principal author in a multiple-authored research publication that derives from the student’s assignments, thesis, or dissertation.


Any contributor who does not meet the conditions for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgements.

Writing Assistance

Individuals who provided writing assistance, e.g. from a specialist communications company, do not qualify as authors and so should be included in the Acknowledgements section. Authors must disclose any writing assistance – including the individual’s name, company and level of input – and identify the entity that paid for this assistance. It is not necessary to disclose the use of language polishing services.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

AIR Journal expects author(s) to include a statement declaring any conflict of interests.

Publishing Policies

Publication Ethics

AIR Journal is stanch in upholding the integrity of academic records. Authors are encouraged to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors for more information.


The editorial team frowns seriously at all appearances of plagiarism. AIR Journal is firm in the belief that taking the concepts and labours of others and taking credit for it, is highly offensive and criminal. Copying; whether it is exactly another person’s work, or your own previously published work, without stating proper references and giving credit to the originator; is considered plagiarism. The editorial team has the right and will not hesitate to terminate the process of reviewing a work that has been submitted if it is subject to minor or major plagiarism. And if the person whose work has been plagiarized complains, AIR Journals may even cancel the publication of such works.

Prior publication

Any previously published material is not generally accepted for publication in AIR Journal. Nevertheless, there exist some situations in which previously published work can be accepted for consideration in AIR Journal. Please contact the Editor at editor@airjournal.org for further information.

Contributor’s/Author’s Publishing Agreement

Prior to publication, Academic Ink Review requires the Corresponding author as the Chief rights holder to sign the Journal’s Author Publishing Agreement. The Journal Authors’ Publishing Agreement is a license agreement stating that the author(s) holds the copyright to the work but grants Academic Ink Review the right and license to publish within the legal term of copyright.

Open Access and Author Archiving

AIR Journal offers a fully open access publishing of hosted Journals.

Preparing your manuscript for Submission                                         


The ideal format for your manuscript to be eligible for review is Word [.doc, docx]. PDF files are also accepted.

Your manuscript(s) should follow the following pattern:

  • Articles should be written in any word processor that recognizes .doc and .docx. [e.g. Microsoft Word]; Font Style: Times New Roman, Font size: 10; We accept manuscripts in soft copy alone. Manuscripts sent in hardcopy will pay a submission fee of 30USD.
  • Articles ready for submission must be submitted with 120-180 words abstract and 4-6 keywords.
  • The Title of the article should be concise as possible – not more than fifteen (15) words and should include keywords describing the subject matter of the article.
  • Brief acknowledgement(s) should be supplied on a separate page.
  • Footnotes should be used instead of endnotes, footnotes should be arranged serially with a standard numbering system (e.g., 1, 2, 3). The footnotes should have a link to the in-text notes. Notes should not contain only citations. Notes should be used to clarify an issue in the main text.
  • Manuscripts should fully use either British (UK) or American (US), no mixing of spelling systems will be tolerated. e.g., globalization (US), globalisation (UK), labour (UK), labor (US). Your research article should follow either pattern.
  • Single Quotes should be used all through. Double quotes should be used within single quotes. The spellings of the words in quotes should not be altered, whether correct or not, otherwise it no longer becomes a quote. Any quotation with more than 45 words should be separated from the text. A line space should be given before and after placing such quotes with indentation. When quoting directly from a work, be sure to include the page number when citing.
  • The use of diacritical and italics should be at a minimum, when necessary it should be used consistently. For uncommon, non-English words and phrases, such words should be italicized all through. The meanings of such words should be specified in parenthesis at every initial use of the word.
  • The use of capitals frugally and the logical application of it should always be double-checked to distinguish between general and specific use.
  • Abbreviations should be stated in full out at first use. Common abbreviations (GDP, US, BBC) does not need to be written in full. Also, there should not be the use of a full stop in abbreviations (USA, USSR). A full stop should be used after initials (e.g. J. K. Graham).
  • Numbers from one to nine should be written in words, from 10 and above should be written in figures. Nevertheless, for exactness, only figures should be used (e.g. 2 km; 5 per cent). Instead of ‘%’, ‘per cent’ should be used. However, ‘%’ can be used in graphs, tables, etc.
  • Exactness should be maintained when writing dates, e.g. 21 February 2011. Long dates like decades should be written as ‘Nineteenth century’, ‘1880s’.
  • Tables and figures used in an article should be indicated separately by numbers. Placements should not be used. Tables and figures should be separated on a sheet of paper and should be gathered together and included in the Appendix.

Artwork, Figures and other Graphics 

  • All photographs, scanned images and other forms of the image should have a minimum of 1500 pixels /300 dpi and it should be in a JPEG or TIFF format.
  • Permissions or consents should be dully taken for images/photographs protected by copyright. Images/Photographs sourced from public domains should be verified whether or not it requires permission for publishing purposes.
  • All scanned images/photographs should be separately provided in a folder alongside the main article.

Take Note: Tables and figures should be cited in-text with the source (a web address, reference or, ‘The Author’) stated regardless of whether permissions are required or not.

Coloured figures and tables will appear online in colour irrespective of whether or not they are printed in colour. For special request for colour print reproduction, Information regarding the costs will be made available by Academic Ink Review.

Supplementary Material

Academic Ink Review can also host additional research materials online (e.g. podcasts, datasets, images, videos etc.) along with the main article.

Reference Style

All Submissions in hosted Journals in Academic Ink Review should adhere to the APA referencing style. View the APA guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

  • References: A bibliography of all referenced articles, books, essays, theses, dissertations documents, and other graphic contents should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
  • Reference Arrangement: List of References should be arranged in alphabetical order of the Last Names. All references should be inverted in this format: [LastName, FirstName]; provide the last names and initials (if any) of all authors in any research work unless the research work is a product of more than six authors. In any case, the research work is a product of more than six authors, mention six authors according to order of contribution, starting with the Major Author and then use et al. to represent non-listed authors.
  • Chronological Referencing: If the same author(s) with different articles is cited, it will be listed according to the publication year starting from the oldest to the latest articles in order.
  • Sentence case: The use of sentence case is not allowed for the titles except when writing the title and any proper noun. For example, ‘The mobile company in Ireland’).
  • Title case: When referencing, Journal titles should be put in title case (e.g. International Journal of Advanced Finance and Accounting).
  • Italicize: The titles of Books and Journals should be put in italics.

In-text citations:

  • One author’s work: (Graham, 2010, p. 21) or ‘Graham (2010) opined that regression methods are not the best when examining…’.
  • Two author’s work: (Graham & Greg, 1997, pp. 21-43) or Graham & Greg (2007) revealed that…
  • Three or more authors (Mark, Johnson & Gregory, 2001) [first-time use]; Jovita et al. (2005) [Second-time use and subsequent use].
  • Works authored by Organizations, Groups or institutions: (Oxford University, 2003) or Cambridge University (2000).
  • Authors bearing the same surname with different or similar year of publication: Add the initials to all the in-text citations even though the year of publication varies e.g. (Bright, 2007; M. A. Bright, 2009).
  • Works that have an unidentified or anonymous author: (‘Findings reveal’, 2005); (Anonymous, 1997).

In the case of abbreviations, the style to be followed is: (Federal Medical Center [FMC], 2005) in the initial citation and (FMC, 2005) in subsequent citations.

  • Several works by the same author: (George 1992, 2006, in press)
  • Two or more works by different authors: (George, 1993; Mike, 1999)
  • Secondary sources: Nelson’s diary (as cited in Nicholson, 2003).
  • Films or Movies: (Director’s name, Year of release)
  • Simple URLs can be given as notes before the references.

Reference Examples:

  • Books:
    Patrick, U. (2007). The republic of hunger. New Delhi: Three Essays Collective.
  • Edited Books:
    Richard, K. S., & Nora S. (Eds.). (2009). Impact of non-oil Export on Economic development. New York, NY: Zen Books.
  • Translated books:
    John, S. (1979). Climate Change (trans. B. Pearce). London and New York, NY: Monthly Review Press.
  • Book chapters:
    Brian, S. (2011). The national question in China. In S. Hilary & P. Elvis (Eds.), Principles Accounting(pp. 95–98). London: Jupitar Press.
  • Journal articles:
    Pedro, J. B. (2010). Impact of Climate Change on Economic Development. International Journal of Climate Change & Sustainable Development67(6), 1−19.
  • Newsletter article, without author:
    2000 economic leaders meet for comprehensive anti-rape initiative conference. (2006, October/November). BBC News @ a Glance. Retrieved from http://services.airjournal.org

[Caution: Do not place a period at the end of an online reference.]

  • Newspaper article:
    Trump, J. (1995, September 29). Cancer affects economic, social status. TheNew York Post, pp. A2, A4.

[Please provide a URL if the page numbers of the article are not available.]

  • In-press article:
    Miles, J. (in press). Egocentric representation in thoughts and perception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Retrieved from http://cogprints.org/5780/1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf
  • Journal Section or Special issue: 
    Craig, T., & James, L. B. (Eds.) (2012). Sustainability of Africa and climate change [Special Issue]. Public Policy, Psychology, and Law12(7), 17−35.
  • Online article:
    Martin, J. (2015). Cabin layers of Outrageous People. Retrieved from http://airjournal.org/5780/1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf

Caution: All in-text citations be must have a corresponding reference in the Bibliography and all references must have been cited in-text.

Book Reviews

Jesse Kong Zed and Samuel J. Alexander (Eds.), Elucidating Social Injustice in United States. Texas: Academic Ink Review Publications, 2019, xlix + 311 pp., $95 (hardback). ISBN: 781-65-689-967-1.

English Language Editing Services

Authors looking for editing services to fit the AIR Journal’s specifications should consider using AIR Journal’s Editing Services. Visit AIR Journal Editing Services.

Submitting your Manuscript 

Papers, in Microsoft Word or PDF Formats, should be submitted to editor@airjournal.org and airjournals@gmail.com

Authors whose works are accepted will receive a copyright form once the submission is accepted for publication. Submissions are finalized only when the filled-in and duly signed copyright form is returned by the corresponding author.


Please also ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

On Acceptance and Publication     

Academic Ink Review Production

Your Article Production Editor will keep you up-to-date as to your article’s production progress throughout the entire process. Preview copies will be sent by PDF to the corresponding email address and we expect a prompt response.  Authors will receive reminders to check their preview carefully. This will help authors confirm that all information regarding authorship (Names of Authors, Institutional affiliations, sequence according to individual contribution and contact details are accurate, and that Source of Funding and Conflict of Interest statement are correct.

Caution: Any change to authorship at this stage will require the signing of authorship form by all authors before such changes will be accepted.

Online First Publication

E-Publication First is a feature that gives room for PDF versions of manuscripts to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. These manuscripts must have first been thoroughly peer-reviewed and accepted. There is free access to articles and citation can be made by readers. Within one week after following through on the needful publishing protocols, the accepted papers are published online

Access to your Published Article

Academic Ink Review provides authors with online access to their final article. Interested readers are also given access to the works as the Journal operates Open Access.

Further Information

Any queries, correspondence or additional enquiry or requests on a given journal’s submission procedure should be sent to the editorial board via support@airjournal.org and enquiry@airjournal.org