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Journal Articles

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Managing Leisure Time on Employee Innovation of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State African Journal of Current Research 1-14

When Exception Becomes the Only Way to Serve Justice: An Appraisal of the Exceptions to Nemo Judex in Causa Sua in Judicial, Quasi-Judicial and Administrative Proceedings African Journal of Current Research 15-27Full PDF

Influence of Migration on Man Power Planning: A Study of Professional Health Workers in Federal University Teaching Hospital Owerri Imo State Nigeria African Journal of Current Research 1-18Full PDF

Effect of Threat of Job Loss on the Communication of Contract Staff of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State African Journal of Current Research 19-33Full PDF

Effect of Organisational Learning Goals on the Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State African Journal of Current Research 34-49Full PDF

Backlash of “Uncamped” Internally Displaced Persons Fleeing Insurgency in the Northern Nigeria and Its Correlation to Fuelling Insecurity and Violence in the South East Region, Nigeria African Journal of Current Research 1-19Full PDF

Select Keeping Ebola at bay: public authority and ceremonial competence in rural Sierra Leone Keeping Ebola at bay: public authority and ceremonial competence in rural Sierra Leone African Journal of Current Research pp. 1-15FULL PDF

The legislature as political control: change and continuity in Cameroon’s National Assembly (1973–2019) African Journal of Current Research pp. 1-20FULL PDF

Affirmative action measures and electoral candidates’ positioning in Zambia African Journal of Current Research pp. 21-35FULL PDF

Select Regime cycles and political change in African autocracies Regime cycles and political change in African autocracies African Journal of Current Research pp. 1-15FULL PDF

Select Youth leadership for development: contradictions of Africa’s growing leadership pipeline Youth leadership for development: contradictions of Africa’s growing leadership pipeline African Journal of Current Research pp. 1-20FULL PDF

The Security Arena in Africa: local order-making in the Central African Republic, Somaliland, and South Sudan African Journal of Current Research pp. 21-40FULL PDF