Work-life Balance and Employee Performance of 7-up Bottling Company, Plc., Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu

Work-life Balance and Employee Performance of 7-up Bottling Company, Plc., Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu

Ezema Samuel Okonkwo1, Prof. Chris C. Orga2 & Oluka, Kingsley Ugochukwu3

123Department of Business Administration, Enugu state University of Science and Technology

The study was on work-life balance and employee performance of 7-up Bottling Company Plc. Ninth Mile Comer Enugu. It was set to evaluate the influence of flexible time on employee output, examine the effect of telework on employee efficiency, and assess the effect of shift work on employee effectiveness of 7-up Bottling Company plc. Ninth Mile Comer, Enugu. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study while a questionnaire was used as an instrument. The study population size was 800. Through Taro Yamane formula, a sample size of 267 emerged. The data obtained were presented using frequency tables and analysed in percentages. Chi-square was used for testing the hypotheses. The study revealed that there was a significant positive influence of flexible time on employee output, there was a significant positive effect of telework on employee efficiency and there a was significant positive effect of shift work on employee effectiveness of 7-up Bottling Company plc. Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu, It was concluded that work-life balance had significant positive effect on employee performance of 7-up Bottling Company plc. Ninth Mile Comer, Enugu. The study recommended that the management of the 7-up Bottling Company plc. Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu, should focus more on different work-life balance incentives, such as compressed work schedules, wellness programmes and telecommuting to enhance workers’ performance. Management of the firm should make provision for nursing mothers in terms of child care assistance in form of crèche and after school services; and management should ensure job sharing (shift work) for employees on essential duties to reduce the stress and also for them to have time for their respective families.

Keywords: Work-life Balance; Employee Performance; 7-up Bottling Company; Ninth Mile Corner

Citation: Okonkwo, E. S., Orga, C. C. & Oluka, K. U. (2023). Work-life Balance and Employee Performance of 7-up Bottling Company, Plc., Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu. Contemporary Journal of Management 5(3) | 1-15.

