Journal Articles

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Enhancing Power System Resilience against Cyber Attack using Blockchain and Ai-Based Security Solution International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 1-17Full PDF

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories: Unveiling the Digital Frontier International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 1-7Full PDF

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Transforming the Financial Landscape International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 8-19Full PDF

Exploring the Differences Between Cryptocurrency and the Nigerian Capital Market International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 20-24Full PDF

How Cryptocurrency Affects Climate Change: An Overview International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 25-34Full PDF

Examining the Ethical Dilemmas Posed by Disruptive Technologies in the Accounting Sector International Journal of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Theories 35-54Full PDF

International Journal of Economics and Public Policy (IJEPP)

International Journal of Economics and Public Policy (IJEPP)