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Minimisation of Environmental Damages Caused by Bushfire in Nigeria: Case Study of Northern Nigeria

Minimisation of Environmental Damages Caused by Bushfire in Nigeria: Case Study of Northern Nigeria

The aim of this seminar is to evaluate and minimize the dangers caused by bushfires on our environment. The environment can be defined as the surroundings and conditions in which people, animals, and plants live. The natural world is a virgin geographical surrounding, a person’s physical surrounding is a place he lives comfortably without any damage to equilibrium surrounding conditions and forces such as soil, climate, and other living things. Therefore, we can summarily define environment as a sum of all living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life while all biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds and abiotic like water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air. The method involved the use of questionnaires to gather primary data and the use of secondary data collections like webinars and journals. The findings show that human beings and activities caused enormous effects and dangers on the environment by burning bush. The result suggests some variables that reduce bush burning and dangers to the environment, especially in northern Nigeria. Conclusively, bushfires must be discouraged, and laws shall be enacted to support the abolishment. Public enlightenment must be radically engaged on the dangers of bushfires to the environment, especially in the northern area of Nigeria.ABSTRACT
Keywords: Bushfire; Environmental Damages; Public Enlightenment; Northern Nigeria
FULL PDF | 10.5281/zenodo.8229350

Citations – APA

Atilola, A. S. & Chime, T. (2023). Minimisation of Environmental Damages Caused by Bushfire in Nigeria: Case Study of Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 1-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8229350

Keywords: Bushfire; Environmental Damages; Public Enlightenment; Northern Nigeria
