Partial Replacement of Cement with Sawdust Ash in the Production of Sandcrete Blocks

Partial Replacement of Cement with Sawdust Ash in the Production of Sandcrete Blocks

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  • August 23, 2022
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The need to find alternative materials to existing conventional ones and the urge to find a cheaper building material have compelled researchers to intensify work on substitute blocks. This project investigates the use of saw dust ash as a partial replacement of cement in sand crete block production. The sand Crete mix ratio of 1:12 were cast, cured and crushed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of ages to get their compressive strength. The sand Crete blocks were made of different levels of sawdust ash (SDA) cement replacement of 10%, 15% and 20% levels of sawdust ash (SDA) cement replacements. Apart from the strength test of the sand Crete blocks made of graded levels of sawdust ash (SDA) cement replacement. The result showed that the addition of sawdust ash (SDA) increased the porosity of the blocks but reduced their weights. Only 10% SDA replacement is adequate for use in sand Crete blocks for non-load bearing walls in buildings. It was seen that at 28 days of the curing period none of the blocks met the NIS required standard of 2.0N/MM2 for none load bearing walls. The 10% SDA replacement came very close with 1.78N/MM2 as curing continues till 56 days it may attain the minimum required strength for none load bearing wall. The weight of the sand Crete blocks decreases as the level of SDA increases in the block.

Keywords: Sawdust Ash, Sandcrete Block, Cement, Partial Replacement

Authorship: Okafor, C. C., Ajayi, G. E., and Nebechukwu, A. C. | FULL PDF

