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Variations in Physico-Chemical Properties of Rainwater in Rural and Urban Areas of Wukari Local Government, Taraba State, Nigeria

Variations in Physico-Chemical Properties of Rainwater in Rural and Urban Areas of Wukari Local Government, Taraba State, Nigeria

Abubakar Idris Abubakar & Prof, J. C Ajadike
Department of Geography and Meteorology, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu

The study examined the effect of variations in physico-chemical properties of rainwater in parts of Wukari Town and Chinkai, in Taraba State, Nigeria. It was carried out using literature on similar topics. From the Wukari town, and chinkai data were used. The study evaluated the spatial variations of rainwater properties mainly within wet seasons using temperature, pH, colour, turbidity, electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, sulphates, hardness nitrates, copper, sodium, magnesium iron, and lead as parameters used. Results showed that there was spatial variation in the physicochemical properties of rainwater in the study. The research concluded that the rainwater from both regions was acidic. Wukari town rainwater was more polluted than the south-south region due to higher concentrations of TSS, Sulphate, Nitrates, Turbidity, and lead. The physicochemical properties of rainwater were directly related to the prevailing air quality which determined the quality of rainwater. The study also observed that rainfall intensity, agriculture, industries, and other anthropogenic activities could have contributed to Rainwater quality variation. The study recommends that reduction in emission of greenhouse gases, use of scrubbing systems in industries, improved electricity from the national grid a well as employing the use of gas turbines by industries will go a long way in mitigating the impact of rainwater pollution.ABSTRACT

Keywords: Physico-Chemical Properties; Rainwater; Rural; Urban Area; Wakiri Local Government; Taraba State

Citations – APA | FULL PDF

Abubakar, A. I. & Ajadike, J. C. (2023). Variations in Physico-Chemical Properties of Rainwater in Rural and Urban Areas of Wukari Local Government, Taraba State, Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 30-39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8304859