Taxation as a Significant Tool for Economic Development

Taxation as a Significant Tool for Economic Development

This research work assessed taxation as a significant tool for economic development. The Ordinary least Square (OLS) linear regression model was adopted to estimate the variables. This involves estimation of the model to examine if taxation as a significant tool for economic development in Nigeria. Different proxies for measuring taxation including stamp duties, value added tax for import and non-import, gas income tax, petroleum profit tax, company income tax and capital gains tax was sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin, 2020. Linear estimation techniques aimed at achieving unique parameter estimates. The findings reveal that capital income tax, VAT for import and non-import are found to have a statistically significant positive effect on the economic development of Nigeria at 5% significance level. However other predictors variables may have a potential effect on the economic development of Nigeria but are statistically not significant.

Keywords: Taxation; Economic Development; Capital Income Tax; VAT

Authorship: Egiyi, M. A. PhD | FULL PDF
