The Functionality of the Human Rights Laws on Women and Children in Nigeria

The Functionality of the Human Rights Laws on Women and Children in Nigeria


This work examines the functionality of the human rights laws on women and children in Nigeria. A lot of Charters and Conventions on human rights, which include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR). These and many more will be featured in the analysis of this subject matter in the course of this research. This paper highlights the cases of women and children’s rights violation in Nigeria. Right to inheritance, right to work, etc. are denied women without caution. Children are also victims of abuse, this includes child labor, sexual abuse etc. The UDHR (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) was adopted and declared by the United Nations after the conclusion of the General Assembly Resolution 217A (111) in 1948 on the 10th of December. Ever since the declaration, it has been adopted by most nations in the world in which Nigeria is inclusive. It is unfortunate that in Africa and also in Nigeria today, humans are exposed and subjected to physical and mental torture, and this includes women and children. Cases of domestic violence, accidental discharges, child labor, detentions without trial, police brutality, and kidnappings are now common in the society. These experiences in Nigeria shows that the dignity and integrity of women and children are not protected or even respected in the society.

Keywords: Human Rights Laws; Human Rights Violations; Gender Inequality; Child Abuse; Women and Children


Dr. Bertha N. Otunta


