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Journal Articles

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Understanding Natural Law Principles of Audi Altarem Partem Doctrine from the Administrative Law Perspectives International Journal of Law and Global Policy 1-19Full PDF

FAIR HEARING; MEANING, SCOPE, ELEMENTS AND EXCEPTIONS International Journal of Law and Global Policy 1-12Full PDF

Strengthening the Pathway: Creating a New Agenda for State/Local Government Relation in Nigeria International Journal of Law and Global Policy 1-7Full PDF

Environmental Assessment Law and Practice in Nigeria Towards Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in the Country International Journal of Law and Global Policies pp. 1-20FULL PDF

Legal Certainty Due to Marriage Agreement in Mixed Marriage International Journal of Law and Global Policies pp. 21-35FULL PDF

The Functionality of the Human Rights Laws on Women and Children in Nigeria International Journal of Law and Global Policies 1-13FULL PDF

Tax Amnesty as Policy in the Field of Taxation International Journal of Law and Global Policies pp. 1-15FULL PDF

Law Review on Age Discrimination for Job Seekers in Indonesia Law Review on Age Discrimination for Job Seekers in Indonesia pp. 16-30FULL PDF

International Journal of Economics and Public Policy (IJEPP)

International Journal of Economics and Public Policy (IJEPP)