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Design Considerations and Application of Central Reference Database in Implementing Automatic Mobile Number Portability Scheme

Design Considerations and Application of Central Reference Database in Implementing Automatic Mobile Number Portability Scheme


A database is a structured body of related information. The work showed a design of a Central Reference Database, CR-DB, which should satisfy the need in an automatic mobile number portability scheme. The most significant aspect of a database design is planning. Data integrity in database design seeks to minimize data redundancy without loss of data. There is need to avoid anomalies such as insertion, deletion and update anomalies. In this work, structural query language, SQL, is used as the relational database management system, RDBMS, while phpMyAdmin is used as the administrative in-house database software. The database design is meant to be web-based hence the use of phpMyAdmin software. It is necessary to avoid the design of schema diagrams with large numbers of empty attributes regarded as null values. The work covers database concept and terminology, database design principles as well as normalization and normal forms designs. The end result is the modeling of entities and relationships. The schema shows a one-to-one, one-to many (many-to-one) and many to many relationships in the arrangement of primary and foreign keys. Considering the novelty of this work, it is considered by the authors to be a major milestone in wireless and cellular telecommunications industry.

Keywords: Automatic Mobile Number Portability (AMNP), Central Reference Database (CR-DB), Structural Query Language (SQL), dB Schema, Entity Relationship

Onuigbo, C. M.1; Onoh, G. N.2 and Inyiama, H. C.3 | Full PDF
