Effect of Flexible Work-Arrangement on the Performance of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Ebonyi State

Effect of Flexible Work-Arrangement on the Performance of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Ebonyi State

Authored by

Ede, Titus Eguji PhD
Department of Psychology and Sociological Studies, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki


The study evaluated the effect of flexible work-arrangement on the performance of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Ebonyi State. The specific objectives were to; examine the effect of flextime on the output; ascertain the effect of part-time work on the profitability of food and beverage manufacturing firm in Ebonyi State. The area of the study was Ebonyi State. The study used the descriptive survey design approach. The primary source of data was the administration of questionnaire. The population of the study was one thousand five hundred eighty-seven (1587) employees. The sample size of three hundred and nine (309) was adopted using Ferund and Williams formula. Two hundred and sixty eighty (268) employees returned their questionnaire and accurately filled. That gave 88 percent response rate. Data was presented and analysed by mean score (3.0 and above agreed while below 3.0 disagreed) and standard deviation using Sprint Likert Scale. The hypotheses were analysed using Z – test statistic tool. The findings indicated Flextime had positive significant effect on the output Z (95, n = 268), 5.742 < 9.896 = p. < 0.05 and Part-time work had positive significant effect on the profitability of food and beverage manufacturing firm in Ebonyi State, Z (95, n = 268), 7.330 < 9.712 = p. < 0.05. The study concluded that flextime and part-time had positive significant effect on the output and profitability of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Ebonyi State.The study recommended among others that the management should provide the employees with better sustainability and considerable opportunities that allows employees to choose when to start and end time for their workday. This will enable them put in their best.

Keywords: Flexible Work-Arrangement; Performance; Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms; Ebonyi State
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10688835

