Emerging Trend of Management in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Enugu State, Southeastern, Nigeria

Emerging Trend of Management in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Enugu State, Southeastern, Nigeria


This study examines the emerging trend of management in small and medium-scale enterprises in Enugu state, South Eastern, Nigeria. Specifically, this study intends to: Examine the influence of managerial competency on the success of the small and medium-scale enterprise in Estate State. Assessing the impact of global managerial skill on the performance of the small and medium-scale enterprise in Enugu State. A survey of randomly selected Small and medium-scale enterprises in the three most industrially Local Governments (Enugu East, Enugu North and Enugu South) in Enugu State, Southeast Nigeria, was selected for the study. The study makes use of secondary data from the selected small and medium-scale enterprises. The Data were analyzed using Linear Regression Analysis. Pearson Correlation analysis was used as the main statistical tool of analysis. It was supported by descriptive statistics. Pearson Correlation was then used to test the two null hypotheses formulated for the study. linear regression analysis was used to compare the results obtained from the correlation analysis. The results reveal that managerial competency is significantly positive on the success of the small and medium-scale enterprise. at 0.848 while the sig-value is 0.001. while global managerial skill is significantly positive on the performance of the small and medium-scale enterprise.at 0.854 while the sig-value is 0.001. The result is also corroborated by the result of the R2 (0.733) and the Adjected R2 (0.656) that measure the goodness of the model fitness.

 Keywords: Emerging Trend, Management, Small, Medium-Scale, Enterprises, Enugu State, South Eastern, and Nigeria.


Nnamani Emeka O. (Ph.D.)1, Onyia Samuel Onovo2 and Ugwa Magnus (Ph.D)3


